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Central Psych


Innovating for difference

Dr LJ Ducksbury BSc, DPS, PhD


I believe that people want to know themselves but I understand that knowing oneself is not always easy to achieve. I believe in sharing psychology, in applying it and teaching it to others. When working with schools my aim is to help students and teachers alike achieve their potential. My role is to draw on psychological theory and apply this to help those potentials become a reality. My goal is to help people become the very best version of themselves. 


I am a professional Psychologist who specialises in working with children and young people up to the age of 25. I work in Hull and surrounding areas, but can travel when and where feasible. I am also a qualified counsellor and have 10 years experience working alongside children, young people, families, organisations and institutions.

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"If you haven't got their hearts, you haven't got their minds".

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All About Central Psych

How I work

The core principles that underpin Central Psych are Self-Awareness, Relationships, Congruence, Positive-Regards and Empathy. My role as an Educational Psychologist is to continue my professional development and skills, under the governance of the Health Care Practitioners Council (HCPC), and build on those core principles to deliver a high quality psychological service to support those in difficulty.




Seeing people as individuals and treating each person with respect is an excellent starting point to understanding and helping others. My passion is to understand that individual and the world they live in to try and make positive change where necessary. This often involves working with the system around that individual. Whole system support can be highly effective in promoting cultural change within complex systems. My approach is always to offer high challenge and high support in equal measures and promote the benefits of challenge rather than viewing it negatively.




I work with children and families and educational settings. I work with children and young people who may have communication difficulties, who have social and emotional and mental health difficulties and children who find aspects of learning challenging. I also work closely with staff who form part of the system around the young person.




Attendance and academic pressure on teachers and schools is huge and yet there is a growing need for mental health support and education. Our (meaning everyones) mental wellbeing needs to be a priority. We can prioritise this by working together, by thinking outside the box and by realising that if you haven't got their hearts, you haven't got their minds.

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Services I Offer

Outside of the box thinking 

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Support comes in all different shapes and sizes and the best shape and size is the one that fits you.

I offer a consultative approach to cases in schools. I work with parents, carers, teachers and children and young people. I can offer therapeutic interventions, dynamic assessments and where appropriate formal assessments to help gather a clear picture of a situation and help to hypothesise and problem solve. My work with cases follows an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle, which is always collaborative and aims to be empowering to those involved.


I am very keen to offer supervision to staff in schools. I have experience working closely with Executive Heads, Senior Leadership Teams and staff who are supporting students with emotional difficulties. This is something that am an advocate for. Staff can benefit enormously from a time and space to reflect and develop from their experiences. It is something that is often missed but sorely needed.


"If I cannot explain it simply, then I do not understand it well enough" (Einstein)


I am able to offer an extensive range of training. My preferred approach to take with training packages is for you to tell me what you want and I will design bespoke training for you. Each organisation, in eduction or not, has its own needs and I can be most effective if I meet the needs of your setting. Common topics are often around Attachment, Neuropsychology, Meta Cognition, Learning difficulties, Behavioural Psychology, Counselling skills, Precision Teaching, ASD, ADHD, Emotional literacy, Dyslexia and other labels, ELSA, Teacher training, NQT training, self care and reflective practice and many, many more.


I pride myself on my training being interactive, creative and engaging, this can include the use of forum theatre, a personal favourite of mine. No one needs a training sleeping pill at a twilight session!!


Bright Idea Bulb

Project Development

One of the most powerful ways to implement positive change is to work with a whole system. I have experience in whole school cultural change, organisational restructuring and city wide project development. I am able to offer frameworks for innovative thinking, run problem solving sessions and set up working groups and networking sessions.


We are in a new and changing landscape of education, which has created opportunities for Schools and Trusts to become trail blazers and leaders in innovative thinking. In my view when you add psychology into that equation, anything is possible.

"You have a way of making us laugh and think at the same time"

Teaching Assistant

"I like the way you make me think about things"

Member of Senior Leadership Team

"By far the best training I have ever done."


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